Bahamian Food – try several!

Spanish Wells is known for their fishermen but this tiny island is also known for their food. Some of the best Bahamian food I have ever eaten has been on this tiny island as they not only cook traditional Bahamian recipes but they can take that fresh sea food and add their style. They are constantly giving you a variety from the traditional to the new! Do they cook any thing else besides sea food? Yes, they do, and a wonderful job as it is all so very good!

Some suggestions would be:

Peas n’rice

Grouper fingers

Grouper cutlets

Steamed grouper/fish

Stewed grouper/fish

Boiled grouper/fish

Crab n’rice

Lobster salad

Broiled lobster

Grilled lobster

Johnny cake

Conch salad

Conch chowder

Cracked conch

Conch fritters

Chicken souse

Guava duff

Photo courtesy DA Photo courtesy DA
Photo courtesy DA Chocolate Fudge Layer Cak photo courtesy DAg

Cracked Conch Conch Fritters

20150707_121513 Tuna

Boiled Fish

Some Bahamian foods to try …. well there are quite a few and don’t forget their desserts! Come to Spanish Wells, enjoy the water, the sun, the beaches and the food!

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